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This weekend the Honda's screaming thru the streets of Long Beach WONT be driven by kids who think the 4" chrome tips they bolted onto the exhaust make them go faster! No, this weekend Long Beach will see some real Honda speed, Indy Car style! Although still humorously named the toyota Grand Prix of Long Beach, the only toyotas in sight will be in the spetcator parking area as this racing series is all Honda baby! Unlike most any other form of racing, Indy Car racing is all about the driver, the effeciency of the team and desire; who wants it the most?! Yes, Danika will be there! No, she wont be out of her driving suit like in the recent photo shoot, stop it! Race time is Sunday at 1:15 so check back here tomorrow evening for a full update, in the mean time see the main site here.

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