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With a little over a month of availability under its belt line, reviews are starting to come in on the new Insight and more specifically its astounding mileage capabilities. The writers over at Road & Track seem to have summed it up best by saying "I posted 54.9 mpg on my driving stint. And, later, on a specially devised suburban tour, fully half of our journalist contingent saw results better than 60 mpg, with the best of them in the 70s. Impressive indeed." Read the rest here. Not bad at all when considering how they are mostly devoted to the shrine of toyota they usually prone themselves in front of! Ok, just kidding... ish! The folks at the Edmunds site, 'Inside Line' got some great real world results as well, "we're still impressed by the 51.5-mpg result our 2010 Honda Insight EX achieved." See more of their test results here. Basically, although the window sticker does show the lowest price for a hybrid in America, what it doesnt show is just how good the 'REAL' mileage is!

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